Good Friday Community Service
Join the community of Sherman and Williamsville as we gather together in celebration of Good Friday.

Joint Revival Services
Dr. Stephen Manley, music by Matthew Perry
Sunday and Wednesday at Trinty
Monday and Tuesday at Sherman

Community Good Friday Service
Join us as we come together as the faith community of Sherman and Williamsville, Illinois to celebrate the Living One! Service at Faith Outreach 6800 Bahr Rd, Sherman, IL 62684.
Hosted by
Faith Outreach
Williamsville Christian Church
Williamsville United Methodist Church
Sherman United Methodist Church
Sherman Church of the Nazarene
Southern Gospel Worship Night
Join us for a wonderful night of worship featuring Wanda Mountian Boys, The Redemptions and The Lesters. The concert will start at 6:00pm, doors open at 5:30. No ticket required a freewill offering will be taken. Questions please call 636-575-2344
Community Thanksgiving Service
Join Sherman Church of the Nazarene along with Sherman and Williamsville United Methodist Churches, Living Faith Baptist Church and Williamsville Christian Church as we celebrate the Thanksgiving season as The Body of Christ. We will worship together, hear a message and fellowship together.
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox National Collection Week.
This Samaritan’s Purse project collects shoe boxes filled with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items -and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more that 168 million shoe box gifts to more than 160 countries. Learn how to pack a shoe box and view gift suggestions by going to link below. Sherman Church of the Nazarene has boxes available for packing. Any questions contact Tonya Deal at 381-5227. Merry Christmas!!!
Drop off times will be:
Nov. 18: 9 am to noon
Nov. 19: 9 am to noon
Nov. 20: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
Nov. 21: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
Nov. 22: 9 am to noon
Nov. 23: 9 am to noon
Nov. 24: 3 pm to 6 pm
Nov. 25: 7 am to 9 am